Friday, September 17, 2010


Yesterday it was Friday and five days class had taken its toll on me.I could'nt even bunk because the fear of running short of attendence is looming high....have no other option but to attend the classes whole week.The rain,the Sun has ceased to matter to me.As a matter of fact in Chennai ,in September itself it has rained as much as it had rained last year .The retreating monsoon has atleast two months before it sets in.

'Dabang' is darling of the box office this week and so we could not head for the multiplexes ,they are houseful.In Chennai if you are not getting movie ticket,the wallet is not allowing you to go to the Spencers,City Centre or the Skywalk... you can still chill out in inexpensive way.
The green beaches are always there to welcome you absorb you in its vastness, to swallow all your thoughts and let you be yourself .You never think about the sea breeze or the land breeze but give youself to the surrounding.The wind takes you to its own world,the world of nature.The reflection of the moon and stars on the sea,sometime the sight of a ship on the horizon leaves you mesmerised.The sea waves often a few metres high drench every inch of you and leaves no scope but to wonder about the sea and its power...mostly healing times distructing....the feeling of the washing off the sand below ones feet or a snail brushing the skin can never be expreesed in words.
My this Friday was spent on Eliots beach which is at a walking distance from my room.I did'nt spend a penny but lived every moment of it.
Chennai is special,though we call it sucking sometime.....

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