Saturday, August 21, 2010

the alarm rings....ah,got to wake up.give me ten reasons to say that my college is good but one reason of me will outdo all in proving it is bad .... will be my college starts at eight .morons don`t even know that we sleep at 2`o clock....
it is 6:30,have to hurry or i will miss the bus.i may be lazy but i am not slow...not atall...a bit of running in the end and i am on the bus.the cool breeze is brushing my face..the fresh air from the sea and the coconut trees flanked by the road....on ecr...getting up early is not all that bad...sleep i can catch up in class too...
five minutes and the assholes will start pouring...nine in all...some know something but most of them no nothing but pretend to know everything....our favourite...teachers with whom one can easily play prank with...
leave the subject name and we don`t know anything about it....a few don`t know the subject name too...for they turn up in the class fewer times... they live on grasses...and love being sozzled....
come the middle of the day...and holding the pen is open the notebook becomes hard...the professors...the lecturers come and go and we are oblivion to all of these....who the end of the day ,the notes,the xerox and mercy of toppers will only help...will make us clear our paper...
it is not all that bad...we laugh...we cheer ....when a teacher goes wrong...when he tries to behave strict...and even more when he says he says he is strict...

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